FC MEMEXTM Screenshots
The following screenshots present a brief overview of typical usage scenarios. Please click on each figure to get an enlarged presentation.
The FC MEMEXTM search form allows to enter simple free text queries, This form is adjustable to meet the individual library's look&feel requirements.
Right after a triggered query the FC MEMEXTM result list form opens and shows a ranked list of matched documents. At this stage the user has the opportunity to preview an automatically generated abstract of the found documents.
Selecting a document from the result list opens a medianeutral document property form, which displays as much information as FC MEMEXTM can extract from the original serverside file.
In case of text documents ( .pdf, .doc, .txt, .html, .xls etc.) following information will be displayed:
- a text extract of user adjustable length
- document properties like author, keywords, size, date of last change
- user ratings
In case of image documents ( .jpg, .tif etc.) these informations are available:
- an automatically generated thumbnail image
- EXIF metadata if available
- user ratings
Up to this moment no byte of original docuement file data has been transfered to the client workstation by download. It is only the classical "FirstClass" way of handling serverside data in a very secure manner.
Certainly the user has the option to download a found document.
But not only downloading of documents is available in FC MEMEXTM . Using the FC MEMEXTM browser users can browse, organize and upload data directly into the FC MEMEXTM document servers.
This application is very similar to the well known Windows explorer and opens the door to native file system operations through any FirstClass client.
Copyright 2004-2008 by RSWE. All rights reserved.
FC MEMEX is a registered trademark of RSWE.